All-Inclusive Maui

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All-Inclusive Maui

Does Maui Have All-Inclusive Resorts?

People who have traveled to beach resorts on other islands in other countries have stayed at all-inclusive resorts.  They sometimes look for similar all-inclusive resorts in Hawaii.  The would search for All-inclusive Hawaii vacation packages that offer the simplicity of paying one flat price to include your hotel room, all your meals, and activities.

However, there are no such all-inclusive resorts on Maui, but if you understand why not, you can still stay someplace great and have even better meals and activities than you could get at an all-inclusive resort.  This page tells you how to do it.

The reason there are no all-inclusive vacations to Maui is that there are so many great restaurants and sights, and activities all over the island of Maui that people do not want to be restricted to just eating every meal in the hotel where they are staying, and only doing the activities offered by that one hotel.  So check out the list below for the steps to create your own package that best suits your own needs and budget.

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To create your own package:

Choose your hotel using one of the following links

List the restaurants you would like to eat at using this link

    • Maui Restaurants recommendations, reviews, menus, and photos, in each price range

List the activities and sights you want to experience using these links

Reserve your rental car (essential) with the hints on this link

Book it all on your own or with a travel agent specializing in Maui

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