Maui Weather

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Maui Weather High Low and Rainfall Average for each month of the year


 Month    High    Low    Water Temp    Rain inches   
January      82 64 75 3.5
February 80 63 74 2.4
March 83 64 74 1.8
April 84 65 75 1.1
May 85 67 76 1.1
June 87 68 77 0.1
July 88 69 78 0.2
August 88 69 79 0.2
September     89 70 80 0.3
October 88 69 79 1.1
November 86 67 77 2.2
December 83 65 76 3.2


For more detailed rainfall amounts for each part of West Maui and South Maui see Maui Rain by Month and City.

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Sunrise & Sunset times for each month in Maui Hawaii

All times are at sea level.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunrise          Sunset
January           7:06 AM         6:06 PM
February          6:57 AM         6:25 PM
March              6:35 AM         6:36 PM
April                6:07 AM         6:46 PM
May                 5:49 AM         6:57 PM
June                5:45 AM         7:09 PM
July                 5:54 AM         7:11 PM
August             6:06 AM         6:56 PM
September        6:14 AM         6:29 PM
October            6:22 AM         6:02 PM
November         6:37 AM         5:45 PM
December         6:56 AM         5:48 PM

At the top of Haleakala volcano the sun rises 2 to 15 minutes sooner, and sets 2 to 15 minutes later, than the above sea-level times.

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Forecast for the next few days:  Maui Forecast Weather next few days

Tides on Maui today, high and low tides for the next few days:  Maui tides

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No matter how you spell it, the weather on Maui is great, as shown in the chart in the upper half of this page.

To choose a place to stay on Maui, see the section of this website about Maui Hotels and Maui Condos.

Maui Weather

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