Hawaiian Christmas Music

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Hawaiian Christmas Music

Capture the Hawaiian Christmas Spirit

The singers and musicians of Hawaii have a special way to present traditional Christmas songs, as well as unique Hawaiian Christmas music.

The artists featured below will surprise you with the beautiful Hawaiian way to celebrate Christmas with music.  Each album has a link to buy it at a discount price on Amazon.com.  Many of those linked pages on Amazon give you the opportunity to hear samples of the songs on each album, to help you decide which album you like best.

Maui line

Our Favorite Hawaiian Christmas Albums

Na Leo

My wife’s and my favorite Hawaiian singers are a group of three women called Na Leo (“The Voices”).

Na Leo Cristmas albums CD music

They have three Christmas albums to choose from:
Hawaiian Holidays: Christmas With Na Leo
Christmas Gift
Christmas Gift 2


Brothers Cazimero

Caz Christmas Hawaiian music CD

Another favorite of ours, the Hawaiian singers we have been listening to for the longest time, are the Brothers Cazimero.  They have two Christmas albums:
Caz Christmas
Cazimero Christmas Favorites


Kealiʻi Reichel

Kealii Reichel Christmas music CD

Keali’i Reichel is Maui’s most famous singer.  Here’s his Christmas album:
Maluhia (Hawaiian word for peacefulness or serenity)


Willie K

Willie K Christmas music CD

Another very popular Maui singer was Willie K.  For Christmas he has:
Willie Kalikimaka (Kalikimaka is Hawaiian for Christmas)


Amy Hanaialiʻi

Amy Hanaialii Christmas music CD

Amy Hanaialii sings her Christmas songs mostly in the Hawaiian language in this album:
A Hawaiian Christmas


More Hawaiian Music

Hapa Hawaiian music CD not Christmas

For recommended Hawaiian music CD’s that are NOT Christmas songs, go to:
Hawaiian music CD’s

Maui line

If you’re looking for Hawaiian Christmas gifts for yourself or others, see Hawaiian gifts.

Most Recent Update: Maui with Kids