Maui Grocery Delivery

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You can have groceries of your choice delivered to your condo, hotel, or home on Maui.  The groceries can be there waiting for you on your arrival, or you can have them come any day during your stay on Maui.  You can order them any time before your trip or after you arrive.  Both of the following personalized grocery delivery services can deliver anywhere on Maui, though the first one (Demming’s Delivery) specializes in the Westside (Lahaina, Kaanapali, Honokowai, Kahana, Napili, Kapalua), while the second one (Maui Grocery Service) is located in central Maui so is closer to the south side (Kihei, Wailea).

Demming’s Delivery has grocery lists on their website that show numerous choices, and they have blanks for you to fill in the specific brand or details of what you want.  Prices are not listed on the website, but Demming Forsythe shops for the best prices and deals for the items you want and then add a percentage to the actual grocery bill for her shopping service but does not add an additional delivery fee.  See details and shopping lists on her website at Demming’s Delivery.  Demming has the following helpful ideas about ways to use her grocery shopping and delivery service:

“This is our 11th-year grocery shopping for Maui visitors. While more and more travelers are staying in condos and timeshares, there are some very busy and crowded hours at our grocery stores. For as little as $50, this unpleasant errand can be avoided. Leave it to the experts to select a delicious Maui Gold pineapple or hunt down those scrumptious Sweet Aloha Cinnamon Rolls and Banana Bread before the peak shopping rush. Savor that first sunset and dip in the pool while Demming does your grocery shopping.  Your family will be thrilled! Most folks order their breakfast items, their afternoon snacks (chips/salsa, cheese & crackers), fresh local fruit, water, and drinks for the week. Others like to prepare and share meals around the barbeque for an intimate family experience. Our customized service allows us the freedom to shop ‘best value’ or ‘top of the line’- whichever is your preference! The condominium kitchens are so practical, and the porches are so inviting. A little pre-planning from your home computer, and you can be the hero after a long day of traveling. Setting the tone for the Best Vacation Ever…While you fly, we buy—Demming Delivers!”

Maui Grocery Service has more specific lists on its website, showing exact brands and sizes, and prices, so you know in advance how much you will pay.  Ben Hinton includes a lower percentage markup on the grocery prices but charges an additional $35 delivery fee.  See details and shopping lists on his website at Maui Grocery Service.

It’s great to have groceries waiting for you in your condo or hotel the day you arrive, or avoid wasting your precious Maui time going to the grocery store during your vacation.  You can get especially great service from the above two places by telling Demming or Blen that you heard about them on Jon’s Maui Info website.

Maui grocery delivery

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