Airport Access Road

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New Access Road to Maui Airport

Kahului Airport Access Road

A new road was completed in mid-2016 to ease access to and from Maui’s main airport at Kahului.  This is intended to solve traffic congestion caused by two distinct types of automobile traffic that both used to use Dairy Road in Kahului.

  1. People going to and from the airport as they arrive and depart from Maui, who will no longer be on Dairy Road.
  2. People going shopping at the major stores on Dairy Road: Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Maui Marketplace (Office Max, Sports Authority, Lowes, and others), K-Mart, and Costco, who will now be the only people on Dairy Road.

The new Maui Airport Access Road branches off from Dairy Road near the location of the side road that leads to Home Depot and Wal-Mart.  It then cuts behind the other stores listed above and goes directly to the airport.  This 4-lane divided highway takes all of the traffic going to and from Kahului Airport, away from the traffic going to and from those stores.

See below for a photo showing the location of the new Maui Airport Access Road, and a video of the drive along the new airport access road.

Click for more info about Maui’s main airport at Kahului.

Maui Airport Access Road photo:

Maui airport access road route plan

Kahului Airport Access Road from Maui Hunter on Vimeo.

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