Maui Activities

Newest Article: Leilani Farm Sanctuary

Things To Do On Maui That Charge A Fee:

Luaus, Tours, Boats, Whale Watching, Snorkeling, Helicopters, Golf, Spas, Horseback Riding, And Lots More Recommendations From Maui Jon


Organized Paid Maui Activities are each discussed in detail by Maui Jon on the following linked pages. Find the perfect activity for your own personal preferences, at the lowest price, by visiting the BEST MAUI ACTIVITIES.

Click on any of the above links for lots more information about those Maui activities, comparisons of various companies offering these activities, phone numbers, and links to their websites.

See photos below and on the above-linked Maui activities pages.

For Maui sightseeing, attractions, aquarium, beaches, kids & family fun, events calendar, Hawaii cruises, and more, see Things To Do in Maui.

All activities have serious and significant risks.  Discuss risks with the tour operator and investigate on your own before deciding.

Wait until you get to Maui to buy your Maui activities,
Or buy in advance from home?

You can purchase all of these activities when you get to Maui, or you can reserve them in advance.  The advantages of advance purchases are

  • You get exactly the activities and companies and dates and times you prefer
  • You won’t miss anything because it may be sold out when you arrive
  • You can shop for activities at your leisure from home
  • You won’t waste any of your vacation time going around to sales booths and talking to activity salespeople
  • Some activities (such as the Old Lahaina Luau and the Ulalena Show) have reserved seats, so the farther ahead you reserve, the better your seat

If you decide to research and/or purchase your activities from home in advance, I suggest using the links to each activity that you will find on the above-listed pages.  First, click on the activity you want from the above list, then click on individual vendors that you are considering on the bottom half of the page you will get to about that activity.

None of the Maui discount activities on this website use timeshare presentations to give you their discounted prices.  I strongly recommend that you AVOID any company that requires you to attend a timeshare sales presentation, no matter how big a discount they offer you on any activity.

If you haven’t already reserved a place to stay on Maui, see the section of this website about Maui Hotels and Maui Condos.

Helicopter on Maui:

Maui Activities helicopter tour


Maui zipline:

Maui Activities Zipline Maui


Snorkel on Maui:

Maui Activities snorkeling


Van tour on Maui:

Maui Activities van tour

Most Recent Update: Maui with Kids